At our 2024 Annual Growth Conference, delegates from across NSW came together once again to celebrate our achievements over the past 12 months and plan our growth activities for the coming year.

It was a great opportunity to examine the challenges and victories since last conference and work out where change is necessary, how we can implement the change and continue to grow our great union.

We had much to celebrate: a growing membership, government policy implementation and wage growth across our sectors, our focus, following conference will be to build on these achievements.

We honoured our life members, including former President Glen McAtear as well as our delegate of the year Max Dawson and all nominees. (see below)

Importantly we also heard from USU delegates and officials about recruiting for growth. We also paid tribute to an outstanding Mentor and Apprentice. Our New Gen Awards are presented at every conference and I am very proud that our union has recognised apprentices and their mentors for so long. Given the Minns’ Government announcement in our last edition of United we hope to see even more nominations in the future.

We were also fortunate to hear from our sponsors Active Super, Carroll & O’Dea solicitors and Australian Mutual Bank.

I recognise our delegates who have worked tirelessly on behalf of our membership. Without such dedicated workplace delegates, our union would not be the force it is today.

I also acknowledge the tireless efforts of our staff and Executive at this conference; their work is ongoing and highly valued.

This conference was hugely successful and I appreciate the messages of support and appreciation that I received from delegates across all sectors. At the bottom of this page we highlight some great moments at Conference – yes there was some singing – and we are proud of it! A special mention to Kellie Gale for leading the way with Solidarity Forever! Bob Hawke would be proud!


Graeme Kelly OAM
USU General Secretary 



Our conference was officially opened by Unions NSW Secretary Mark Morey and included some key speakers such as:

NSW Premier Chris Minns MP;
Mark Morey – Secretary, Unions NSW
Wayne Wood – Australian Services Union WA, Branch Secretary;
Linda Scott – President of the Australian Local Government Women’s Association;
Troy Green PSM – Tweed Shire Council, General Manager;
The Hon. Ron Hoenig MP – NSW Minister for Local Government;
Senator Tony Sheldon – Senator for NSW;
The Hon. Sophie Cotsis MP – State Minister for Industrial Relations;
Clint Newton OAM – CEO & Managing Director, Rugby League Players Association;
Glen Warner – Relationship Manager, Australian Mutual Bank;
Michael Barnes – Senior Legal Counsel, Carroll & O’Dea;
Kyle Loades FAICD FTL MBA – Chairperson, Active Super and
Stephen Rowe – CEO Vision Super.

Life members

These members were awarded Lifetime membership at Conference. 

Glen McAtear, Murray Branch Cootamundra Gundagai Regional Council
Darrell McNeilly, Riverina Branch Murrumbidgee Shire Council
James Taylor, Central West Branch Lachlan Shire Council
Ailsa Smith, NSW C&A Branch NSW Ambulance
Chris Browning, Northern Branch Clarence Valley Council

Pictured right: Former USU President Glen McAtear was presented with his Award at the Conference Dinner.

About Glen McAtear Murray Branch Cootamundra Gundagai Regional Council

Foreman, Compliance Office, Regulatory Manager, Acting Deputy Manager and Acting General Manager.

While working for Cootamundra Shire Council and Cootamundra-Gundagai Regional Council, Glen was the picnic day convener for the council. The union picnic day was always a great success and the members appreciated the efforts made by Glen and the committee.

Glen was also an active member of the workplace consultative committee while employed at the council. During his years on the workplace consultative committee, Glen had successfully helped negotiate a 9-day fortnight for all council staff. With the amalgamation of the two councils, Glen identified issues with the salary structures and worked tirelessly to develop a united salary structure. Glen became a Branch Committee of Management member prior to the 2007 elections and started attending branch meetings as a representative from Cootamundra Council – he was subsequently elected in 2007 and attended branch meetings until his retirement.  While on the Murray Branch, Glen represented the branch at State Conference from 2007 and from 2011 was also a USU delegate to ASU National Conferences. During his time on the Murray Branch, Glen took on the position of Branch Secretary and in 2011 was elected to the State Executive to represent the branch. In the course of his time at the Murray Branch, Glen actively mentored the female branch delegates, encouraging them to become more actively involved in the different roles on the branch, something Glen is very proud of. Through Glen’s first term on the USU Executive, he was elected by his peers to be one of the first Junior Vice Presidents. This led to Glen being elected as the Vice President of the Union and the alternate ASU National Executive branch representative in 2015. While Vice President Glen attended the WA ASU Branch Conference, and represented the ASU/USU at the PSI Congress in Geneva in 2017.

At the conclusion of the 2019 union elections, Glen was elected as the Union President, a position he held until he retired in March 2023. Glen led the USU through the COVID Pandemic, chairing weekly staff meetings, making sure that staff felt connected and supported during that difficult period. Glen made sure that all the staff knew that he was available for a chat, making the time to call all staff, particularly during lockdown periods.

Glen also represented the USU at NSW ALP, NSW ALP Country Conference and National ALP Conferences while holding the positions of Vice President and President. These conferences were an opportunity for Glen to speak with MP’s about issues that his members faced during the forced amalgamation process.

About Darrell McNeilly Riverina Branch Murrumbidgee Shire Council

Darrell McNeilly started at Murrumbidgee Shire Council on the 29th of September 1993 as a Water and Sewer Operator – within months Darrell was promoted to the role of Water and Sewer Foreman.

Darrell joined our Union on the 8th of October 1993 and became a delegate in 1999. During his time as delegate, he helped to improve union membership at Murrumbidgee Shire to grow to be above 90%,  something he was very proud of considering the low numbers when he took over.

He was always available to assist members and took great satisfaction in pulling new employees aside and explaining what our union was all about and why it is such a great thing to be a part of.  It’s hard to say “no” to someone that has that much passion and his numbers reflected that. Darrell advised the younger staff of the advantages of super and why we should be putting away what we can now,  rather than trying to play catch-up when it’s too late. Something those of us that listened to him are thankful for now,  as we are seeing the benefits.

During  his time as Water and Sewer Foreman,  Darrell worked on many projects including building the Britts Road bridge, building pump stations, building the north side sewerage infrastructure and multiple subdivisions.

He has helped Darlington Point through multiple flood events,  several reaching major flood level.   During the most recent flood in 2022 Darrell stopped the north side of Darlington  Point from  being evacuated  by keeping the  pump station  running by building a levee bank around it.  This kept the infrastructure sealed from the floodwater, allowing the residents to stay home when they would normally have been evacuated and the pump station turned off due to inundation to the system. Darrell started the “Mates Fund”, a staff fundraising account for workers to pay into. This was so that anyone could receive a lump sum if they had to travel away for medical appointments or had long stays at hospital. A lot of staff have benefited from this over the years.

Darrell retired in 2024 and we hope that he gets to enjoy his time fishing, hunting, making salami and travelling with his wife Lisa. He has been a great servant to his community and a loyal  member of the United Services Union.

About James Taylor Central West Branch Lachlan Shire Council

The Central West Branch would like to nominate James Taylor for USU life membership. Sadly, James passed away suddenly on the 21st of July so this will be awarded posthumously.

James was an employee of Lachlan Shire Council and joined the USU in August 2008 and was elected as a delegate in March 2010. James attended his first branch meeting in May 2010 filling the casual vacancy.

In 2011, James was again elected to the branch and took up the position of Vice Presi-dent of the Branch. In 2015 James was reelected to the branch and served an additional 4 years as the Vice President. During the 2019 branch elections, James was again elected as a delegate to the Central West Branch and became the President and remained President until he passed away.

From 2011 to 2023 James attended conference with the Central West Branch, participating in debates on motions to improve the working lives of his members at Lachlan Shire Council and regional members. James was instrumental in the establishment of the Lachlan Shire Council Enterprise Agreement which to this day provides some of the highest pay rates and working conditions for workers in the Central West region. James was often the designated bus driver, picking up branch delegates on the way to Sydney for conference. The branch members have fond memories of those trips to and from conference. On those trips, life friendships were made and everyone on the branch who knew James would have a funny story to share. James will be deeply missed by the branch.

About Ailsa Smith NSW C&A Branch NSW Ambulance

It is with great enthusiasm that we recommend Ailsa Smith for life membership of the United Service Union. Ailsa’s long-standing commitment, exceptional dedication, and invaluable contributions to our union and its members have been nothing short of extraordinary. A member for 36 years, Ailsa joined the USU on 1 December 1988 and remained a member until retiring on 1st July 2024.

As a highly active participant and delegate at the Operations Control Centre in Sydney, Ailsa played a pivotal role during a critical period of technological transition. She witnessed and adapted to the significant changes in her workplace, as the process of handling emergency calls evolved from paper-based systems to the digital age, where she also provided lifesaving instructions and complex geolocation. Her ability to navigate these changes and support her colleagues through this transformation speaks to her resilience and leadership. In the 1980s, Ailsa was a key participant in a landmark work value case that sought recognition for the complex and stressful nature of the work performed by emergency call takers. This case was a turning point for our members, and Ailsa’s involvement was instrumental in ensuring that their roles were acknowledged for the critical importance they hold.

Beyond her involvement in key union actions, Ailsa was also an ardent advocate for the welfare of our members. She was particularly concerned about the lack of recognition by the Ambulance Service for the emotional toll that continuous exposure to stressful and distressing calls had on emergency call takers. Through her relentless advocacy, Ailsa succeeded in bringing about significant changes in the workplace, including the introduction of welfare checks, time off phones, and debriefing sessions. These initiatives have greatly improved the working conditions and mental well-being of our members in control rooms.

About Chris Browning Northern Branch Clarence Valley Council

That Mr Christopher Browning be awarded Life Membership of the USU.

Chris joined the Union on the 1st of January 1991 and remained a financial member as at the 16th of August 2024.

Chris commenced employment with Lower Clarence County Council on the 21st of November 1990 and transferred across to Clarence Valley Council where he worked until he retired on the 26th of September 2023.

Chris became a Delegate in 1992 serving on various council committees as a Delegate and on the Northern Branch Committee of Management for many years during which he was the Branch President. Chris represented his members very well and was well liked and respected by all.

He attended many USU Conferences and ran his Branch meetings well. Chris ran Council picnic days for many years and never missed one. Chris demonstrated his commitment to his job when his house was totally flooded a couple of years ago where he stayed in town in a motel to keep Council’s water and sewer operations going.

Delegate of the Year

Our delegates are the heart and soul of the union. They all work hard for fellow members day in and day out. We recognise these outstanding delegates who were nominated for Delegate of the Year. This years winner was Max Dawson (read more here)

Dr Clare Cochrane, Liverpool City Council Sydney Metropolitan Branch
Julie Louis, Lake Macquarie City Council Newcastle Branch|
Robert Dugmore, Clarence Valley Council Northern Branch
Marie-Jeanne Bowyer, NSW Ambulance  NSW C&A
Max Dawson, Wollongong City Council Southern Branch

Pictured right: Max Dawson was presented with her Delegate of the Year Award at the Conference Dinner.

About Dr Clare Cochrane, Liverpool City Council Sydney Metropolitan Branch

Clare is one of the head delegates at Liverpool Council. She has been a delegate for over 9 years. She is a strong recruiter, represents members and has helped develop a strong communication network for delegates. In a year where we have seen unprecedented attacks on delegates and members at Liverpool Council, she has remained strong and steadfast.  She is an “all-rounder” and consistently achieves results for members. She is actively involved in assisting the union in disputes currently before the IRC.  As soon as we resolve one issue, she is moving on to researching and recruiting around the next one!  On top of this she chairs a hostile WHS committee and has recently stepped up to be President of the Sydney Metropolitan Branch.

About Julie Louis, Lake Macquarie City Council Newcastle Branch

The Newcastle Branch would like to nominate Delegate Julie Louis for Delegate of the Year 2024.

Julie has been a proactive Delegate for the past 8 years, bringing exceptional leadership skills and a positive energy to her workplace. Julie always ensures that she is doing her very best to not only grow the membership in her workplace but also ensuring that she is continually activating members and mapping her workplace and the various work sites. Julie is a selfless delegate, always putting members first and being a support to those when they need her most. Julie is always sharing knowledge, experiences and outcomes at our Newcastle Branch meetings and is continually looking at how she can grow and improve to best serve her workplace.

About Robert Dugmore, Clarence Valley Council Northern Branch

Rob Dugmore is a highly motivated delegate who has a thorough knowledge of the membership of the Maclean/Yamba area of Clarence Valley Council working alongside the Organiser, offering valuable insights on specific areas to focus on and ways to strengthen union solidarity as well as providing assistance to the members, providing his personal email & mobile no. for easy access. Just one of the tasks Rob has assisted with was providing information to the members about the recent $1000 State Award bonus – arranging for Council to create a form for members to complete if they wanted to deposit their bonus into their Super funds and providing information on tax implications, form location & details to fill in at early morning meetings at the Townsend Depot.

Rob is professional, dedicated and respected by members at his workplace, dealing with issues with integrity and confidentiality making him an excellent choice for Delegate of the Year.

About Marie-Jeanne Bowyer, NSW Ambulance NSW C&A

Marie-Jeanne Bowyer, known as MJ is a 000 Emergency Medical Call Taker (EMCT) at NSW Ambulance (NSWA), she is the embodiment of a Union Delegate.  During her time as a Delegate, MJ has worked tirelessly on behalf of members at NSWA, from her involvement in the campaigns for the introduction of a laundry allowance and for reclassification of EMCT’s, and lobbying of Government MP’s including the Minister for Health, her involvement in local and state committees at NSWA, to undertaking the functions of a Delegate including mapping, communicating with and activating members, and representing members at the local level, MJ does it all with a commitment and passion that is unrivalled.

MJ takes her Delegate’s role and her job as an EMCT very seriously and her principled approach to both are evidenced by how she is respected by members and management alike.

MJ was one of the EMCT’s on duty the day of the Bondi Junction Westfield siege, not only giving lifesaving directions to members of the public keeping people alive until paramedics arrived, but she also stood up to management who failed to provide her members with any debrief or support after the incident, to ensure her members got the support they needed.

About Max Dawson, Wollongong City Council Southern Branch

Max Dawson has been a delegate at Wollongong City Council for approximately 8 years. Throughout this time, Max has demonstrated a selfless, committed attitude towards the Union Movement and the USU members at Wollongong City Council. Max has assisted in implementing campaigns, including campaigning for the largest industrial action at Wollongong City Council that had taken place in some 20 years, improving the culture and conditions for members. Max is a leader amongst the membership in her workplace and is always available for our members to offer advice, represent in matters and to be a shoulder to lean on, Max never takes a step back when our members need her the most.

Max is a model delegate when it comes to recruiting new members, ensuring attendance at workplace inductions and not allowing anyone through the door without asking them to sign up and discussing the benefits of being a USU member. Max was recognised for this in 2019 taking out the USU state-wide recruitment competition. Max is extremely passionate about the USU and always puts the Union and our members first.