Leanne New, long term workplace delegate at Essential Energy’s Mudgee Depot and member of our Energy and Utilities Branch has won the 2024 Betty Spears Award.

Not limiting herself to her local area (Central West region) or the Energy sector, Leanne has advocated for fellow workers across the state since 2003.

After suffering a late term miscarriage Leanne discovered that under Essential Energy’s then Enterprise Agreement she was only entitled to two days compassionate leave.

Knowing first hand this was insufficient and motivated by her determination to save other women having to suffer the way she did, when the 2021 Essential Energy Enterprise Agreement negotiations commenced Leanne sprang into action.

Leanne’s efforts led to a full review of the Parental Leave Provisions in Essential Energy’s EA, which resulted in Essential Energy’s Parental Leave Policy for Miscarriage Leave being included in the 2021 EA. The leave provisions give women time to grieve and seek support at a time when they need it most.

Now, in the 2024 EA Negotiations, Leanne has advocated for the inclusion of the new Parental Leave policy provisions, to which in-principle agreement has been reached at the time of writing.

Congratulations, Leanne and thank you for all your hard work!

Above: 2024 Betty Spears Award winner, Leanne New of Essential Energy, on stage accepting her Award