USU members within the Waste Services at Woy Woy and Buttonderry Waste Facilities had a good win recently – achieved by getting collective and seeking resolution on numerous historical back payments of unpaid entitlements.

USU Members raised specific concerns over their eligibility for higher-grade pay entitlements in accordance with Clause 12 of NSW Local Government (State) Award 2023.

12. Payment for Relief Duties/Work

(i) An employee required by the employer to relieve in a position which is at a higher level within the salary system shall be paid for that relief. The rate to be paid shall be determined by considering the skills/experience applied by the employee relieving in the position but shall be at least the minimum rate for that position in accordance with the salary system except where the higher level skills have been taken into account within the salary of the relieving employee.

(ii) Payment for use of skills relieving in a higher paid position shall be made for the time actually spent relieving in the higher position and is not payable when the relieving employee is absent on paid leave or an award holiday. An employee on annual leave or long service leave may be entitled to a higher rate of pay in accordance with the provisions of subclauses 23D(xi) and 23E(iii)(c) of this Award.

It was clear these Waste Workers (Crew Members Band 1 Level 3) performed duties (Plant Operation and Gatehouse Band 1 Level 4) and were appointed in conjunction with Clause 12. Due to their collective action (lodging a grievance) through the USU, workers received historical back payments which were calculated into the thousands of $ to these USU members. 

This outcome was only achieved by workers acting collectively through our Union, the USU!

Not sure if you are receiving your entitlements? Contact your local USU Delegate today (listed below).

This is also a reminder of how our Union, the USU represents ALL workers at Central Coast Council, irrespective of employment status or location – causal, permanent, or part-time ALL workers win when we act collectively! We’re stronger together!

USU Membership Action: Do you know any work colleagues who are yet to join the USU? Sign them up to the USU and earn a one-off bonus of $50 and help build a stronger, more united workforce. New members can also join by scanning the QR code here.

If you have any questions please contact your local USU Delegate (as listed below) or USU Oragnisers, Luke Hutchinson on 0419 761 323 / or Danielle Kelly on 0407 283 141 /

USU Delegates at Central Coast Council

 Erwin VanEerden – Wyong Admin
(02) 4350 5218
Katie Wallace – Gosford Admin
(02) 4325 8369
Larry Freeman – Charmhaven Depot
0401 711 922

Lindy Nicholls – (Casual Waste Disposal)

Matthew Kelly – Woy Woy Depot
0484 657 291
Neola Stewart – Wyong Admin
02 4350 5127
Peter Gardiner – Long Jetty Depot
0417 203 476

Robert Spiteri – Long Jetty Depot
0414 713 003

Tim Maher-Brooks – Erina Depot
0409 286 917