As members should be aware, all of the Councils amalgamated in NSW this year will have adopted, or be seeking to adopt, new Organisational Structures.
This process should be simple, as it is the belief of the USU as well as the other two industry unions (depa and LGEA) that the vast majority of existing employees employed prior to amalgamation (other than some senior management and a few other positions) should have been merely transferred across to the new Council under their current position description.
Arising from the adoption of any future Organisational Structure will be the aim of drafting new position descriptions to standardise roles across the new organisation.
- Members must be aware that if they are asked to apply for a position or are given anything to sign regarding their position that they should first seek advice from their Union.
- The employment protections on conditions could be undermined if a person agrees to a position or offer with reduced conditions.
- Remember you cannot be made forcibly redundant for three (3) years from the date that your new Council was proclaimed.
Councils should be seeking to fill vacancies internally first and under the employment protections are not required to advertise positions externally if there is a suitable internal applicant.
If you are concerned with your Council’s actions please notify your Union ASAP.