The United Services Union is very disappointed to report that to date management have refused to increase their previous salary offer.
At the negotiation meeting held Wednesday 23 October management said that their reduced salary offer was “fair and reasonable” and that their feedback is that staff are “accepting of the proposed salary increase” and that they “have not received messages of disappointment.”
To the contrary your bargaining representatives presented feedback they had received from you and your colleagues that expressed universal condemnation, disappointment and disbelief in the reduced salary offer.
As representatives we are left wondering if not now, then when? Workloads have increased, profits are up, the outlook for growth is positive. If your hard work and sacrifice cannot be recognised with a meaningful pay increase now, then when will it ever be the time?
It is your Union’s position that the time is now.
The Union understands that AHM will be holding sessions early next week to allow you to provide feedback on their salary offer and draft EA. We encourage you to take the time to attend these sessions and tell AHM management that THIS OFFER IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
This message will be all the more powerful coming directly from you. We understand that some of you may not be comfortable doing this however we still want to hear from you. So please talk to your Union Delegates, Union Organiser or Employee bargaining representatives so your voice is heard. If you do not want to be identified that is OK. We will pass on your comments whilst maintaining your confidentiality.
If the feedback sessions are poorly attended or your comments not forthcoming via your bargaining representative it is likely your silence will be viewed as consent to reducing your salary increases. So please get involved.
We will report back on the full draft EA after the meeting scheduled for October 30.
When we speak with one voice we are stronger. There has never been a better time to join your Union.

WHAT AHM Employees said:
“Please pass on my disappointment to this new EA, also request that they review the EA ratings … New rating requests for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. Achieving 3.5%, Exceeding 5%, Outstanding 7%.”
“I am not happy with this new EA. We as a company have made huge profits over the past few years, and how are we being rewarded for this? Well the company has decided to go backwards by reducing our Performance ratings which has affected our salary increases.”
“I see no advantage or incentive to us in the new performance rating.”
“Over the last EA we have had staff cuts, increased workloads, we are now expected to pick up more multi-skilling, cross skilling, set big goals all to be slapped in the face with a decrease.”
“I am quite disappointed actually-I can’t get my head around the offer of 2.25%.”
“The company is seeking a 4 year agreement which locks in my pay decrease for an additional year. Then they delay last year’s payment as a part of the bargaining for the new EA. That just demoralises staff who have worked hard all year and are told “we are going to delay your payment unless you vote yes.”