As we wrap up our collection drive for Escabags, we would like to thank every member who contributed. Your generosity has made a difference to the lives of those affected by domestic violence and we couldn’t be prouder of our USU community.

We have delivered car loads of donations, and the team at Escabags expressed their overwhelming gratitude for the quantity and quality of the items. They mentioned that this was the largest collection they have ever received!

While we’ve already delivered most of the donations to Escabags, we want you to know that some are still on the way. Check our webpage for updates as we count the tally of contributions made across NSW. 

With an ongoing commitment to supporting vulnerable members of our communities, we’re happy to announce that your union will be sponsoring Escabags with $10,000 this year. There are also escape bags stocked in our Rutherford, Sydney and Wollongong USU offices.

You can still help!

We encourage all members to engage their workplaces in supporting this important cause by stocking Escabags and/or donation bins.

By involving your employer in this initiative, you can help ensure that essential supplies for those in need are readily available in your community.

For more information visit

Become a Stockist – (

Escabags Donation Bin – Escabags | Free Escape Bags for Domestic Violence Survivors

If you need assistance in getting your workplace involved, please contact us at