We previously reported that Transgrid were intending to take an Agreement not endorsed by your union to a vote.  That vote was, again, unsuccessful as Transgrid continue their attempts to undermine the rights of their employees to bargain collectively.  Transgrid have now lodged an application with the Fair Work Commission to make a declaration of intractable bargaining which, if successful, will result in further delays in members receiving well overdue pay increases.  This decision by Transgrid has contributed to a significant erosion of trust in Transgrid management who have refused to negotiate in good faith for at least 6 months. 

Negotiations to renew Ausgrid’s Enterprise Agreement had been progressing very well, with your Union being successful in negotiating several significant improvements to terms and conditions.  However, Ausgrid, quite abruptly, made a decision to put an Agreement out to vote prior to negotiations reaching a natural conclusion.  Whilst the Agreement that was voted on did offer many improvements, your Union officials and delegates were of a firm view that negotiations were to be ongoing until such time the parties were in firm agreement.  In any case, the vote was unsuccessful, with 52% of employees voting no, in large part due to the haste with which Ausgrid proceeded to a vote.  Negotiations will resume at the end of September whereby your Union will continue to negotiate with a view to reaching a natural conclusion prior to a second vote.

Lastly, as also previously reported, negotiations at Endeavour Energy remain stalled.  The parties have, however, committed to a period of facilitated bargaining in which a mediator will be engaged to assist in reaching agreement.