USU members are invited to a members’ meeting on Tuesday, 28 March or Wednesday, 29 March to discuss Virgin Australia’s offer. We will summarise VA’s current offer compared to your current working conditions. 

Your negotiating teams have made significant progress from being the airline from its initial position to the offer below. As a collective, we now must meet and consider what VA says is its ‘final offer’ and decide on the direction of your Union.
This is a members’ only meeting.
Please RSVP for one of the two meetings.

If you are not a member, you can join at

The meeting details are as follows:
Date:     Tuesday, 28 March 2023
Times:   6:00 pm SYD
Registration: Zoom registration.   

Wednesday, 29 March 2023
1:00 pm  SYD
Registration: Zoom registration

Below is a summary of Virgin Australia’s offer; unless stated, it is not agreed upon by the USU/ASU and in no way has our endorsement. The summary below does not include the changes to classification or consultation.  

Classification and consultation will also be discussed at our meeting. We want to hear from you about the offer and encourage all of you to attend to express your views.