The USU/ASU has lodged a Stand Down dispute with Jetstar in the Fair Work Commission because the airline continues to make last minute changes to rosters, as well as recall staff to work at short notice – sometimes to work single shifts.

Jetstar has also reneged on commitments made to the USU/ASU and will no longer maintain minimum EBA entitlements when employees are stood up for work during periods of reduced flying, including minimum hours and notice periods for actual rosters.

Jetstar should also honour all the terms of your EBA when you are recalled to work from a Stand Down

Surely Jetstar can do better than this!

Throughout 2020, Jetstar and the ASU worked collaboratively to develop rostering principles and conduct regular National Consultation Meetings in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.  However, Jetstar abandoned this approach in the days before Christmas by introducing new periods of stand down and altering individual rosters without any consultation with the USU/ASU.

It’s difficult to believe that Jetstar really care about your wellbeing when all too often your basic entitlements to minimum hours of work and notice periods are ignored.

The USU/ASU believes that Jetstar should be taking steps to minimise all impacts to staff caused by ongoing State and Territory border restrictions.

Jetstar’s current methods for allocating work are unfair and cause unnecessary hardship for employees. Employees are already burdened by reduced hours of work. Why hasn’t Jetstar worked out a better way to allocate work during periods of Stand Down?

What’s next

The Fair Work Commission has listed the Stand Down dispute for conciliation. The USU/ASU will be seeking a range of solutions to the current issues facing Jetstar employees. If the matter cannot be resolved at conciliation, the USU/ASU will pursue arbitration before the Commission.

We will also continue to meet with Jetstar management to work through the issues.

Time to join the union!

If you are not yet an USU member – it is not too late to join. Sign up now to make sure you are supported throughout this crisis:

For more information contact your interim USU Organiser Clare Raffan on 0417 177 266