We sent you a newsletter around the 8 April 2020 informing you that both the USU/ASU and S&G management had agreed to postpone the EA negotiations because of the effects of Covid-19. We also said we would meet regularly with management and discuss whether the time was right to commence negotiations.
To this end we met with management in early June and decided that the environment was not quite right to commence negotiations and set our next discussion for July 6 when we believed by then we could be in a position to commence. However, at our review meeting on the 6 July we found that the pandemic situation in Victoria has drastically deteriorated with a spike in cases, lockdowns, border closures and deaths. And that this is having a national effect.
Both parties thus decided to postpone the commencement of negotiations and review the situation again at a meeting on the 3 August.
Meanwhile we have commenced the review of job classifications. A meeting of USU/ASU officials and about 8 ASU delegates from around the country met with management on the 25 June 2020. There was a general discussion about the current structure, including identifying its strengths and weaknesses. A smaller Committee comprising 2 union officials and 6 delegates will meet with management on an ongoing basis, starting on the 14 July.
Members are advised that these reviews are laborious and can take a long time to complete. However, we have sought and obtained a written commitment from management that no-one will be disadvantaged by this review and that it will only be implemented when it is agreed by the parties. Members will be updated on this review as major developments occur.
Want more information?
If you have any questions please contact your Organiser Emily Callachor on 0417 420 924 or ecallachor@usu.org.au
For anyone who is not yet a USU/ASU member – it is not too late to join. Sign up now to make sure you are supported and represented throughout this process: www.usu.org.au/join