The USU branch has undertaken enquiries on behalf of members to determine if there is any additional work available via short term contracts for call centre duties.

Throughout this crisis some different solutions have been sought to answer employees’ needs for work; some more opportunities may arise elsewhere while others are changing or concluding as the economy shifts in response to Covid-19. The Union has contacted senior management at Helloworld seeking more information about what work if any may be available to employees in May 2020 and will report back to members and other branches if a satisfactory response is received.

While encouraging Union members to frequently check the ASU and ACTU websites for information on any relevant offers, if any further potential work is confirmed specifically for stood down Helloworld staff, the Union will continue trying to help get members into gainful short term employment where possible. If the USU (as a state branch of the ASU) receives any additional information and is able to confirm more future work opportunities, this will be promptly shared with other branches to notify members of any positive developments.

Most importantly, like all branches the USU will continue to press for opportunities with real protection of employees’ existing jobs and entitlements.

Helpful links:

The links below may be of some use in researching options outside Helloworld which do not directly interact with Jobkeeper entitlements of original substantive positions:

Please note that while the government has temporarily lifted some mutual obligation rules relating to pursuit of other employment, and some other employers have advertised relaxed rules regarding secondary employment to show leniency to stood down staff, if alternative roles are available elsewhere, members generally must confirm and honour their obligations in relation to written declaration and approval of secondary employment before engaging in other work. Make sure to keep your substantive job safe from any risks posed by unauthorised secondary employment. If in doubt contact your Union first.

If you have any questions about this email or need any assistance at work, please contact your USU Organiser Thomas Russell on 0419 761 320 or via email at