The City of Sydney Wages/Salary Award 2017 and South Sydney City Council Staff Award 2017 have allowed for three annual increases in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

The USU has been in discussions with Council about providing our members with a 2020 pay increase. On 30 June 2020 Council wrote to the Union indicating that they had made an administrative decision to:

  • Pay an annual salary and wages increase of 1.5 per cent to all City of Sydney Award employees effective from the first pay period in July 2020. This is the same as the recent 2020 pay increase in the Local Government (State) Award.
  • Suspend the City’s salary progression system for 12 months, meaning the City will not pay performance-based salary progression payments to staff this year, normally paid in November 2020.

We want to hear from you!

The USU wants to hear from our City of Sydney members to know whether there is support for Council’s decision.

To vote yes or no on whether you support this decision contact Shane via his email

If you have any other questions about this issue or require any assistance at work, please contact your organiser Shane Pinter on 0418 672 354 or via email at