The USU’s Summer 2015 edition of United has been sent to members. Check it out.

General Secretary
Graeme Kelly
2015 has been another big year for the USU and our members who have faced many challenges – from the sale of the electricity industry to an attack on local communities through the Fit for the Future report.
Through it all, I am proud to say, the union has gained in strength as members organise at the ground level – talking to fellow workers about the importance of collective strength and the protection union membership provides.
$50 rewards program
Your USU executive believes it is important to reward members for their hard work so from 1 December 2015 we have introduced a $50 sign up a mate reward scheme.
Full details and forms are included in this edition of United and can also be downloaded from our website at
Building strength
We believe the $50 rewards scheme is just one strategy that will work towards building strength in the workplace. By building on our successful recruitment and organising campaign we make sure we continue to be a force to be reckoned with.
It is simple – more members means more strength and more strength means a better deal for workers and their families.
Same race, different face
We need all hands on deck as we face a probable federal election in 2016. While the leader of the Liberal National Party has recently changed most of the key policies impacting ordinary Australians have stayed the same. In particular policies relating to working men and women.
Why else would Malcolm Turnbull cling to Tony Abbott’s policy on Penalty Rates, confirming recently on radio that we are in a “7 day economy”?
On a final note President Steve Birney comments in his article on page 2 that it is important to look at how we can do things better.
Member survey
To find out what key areas the USU can look to develop in 2016 we are asking you to tell us how we are going. On page 36 we outline details of how you can complete our USU member survey. Check it out, go online and go in the draw to win one of three mini ipads!
Graeme Kelly
USU General Secretary