The United Services Union and the Australian Services Union today welcome the Federal Government’s commitment to a National Net Zero Authority.
The Authority will support workers and their communities where businesses are affected by the transition to net zero emissions with individualised worker transition plans to get the best possible outcomes for them and their families.
Establishing a National Net Zero Authority will be a life changing event for workers in affected industries to ensure quality secure jobs for workers and communities that power Australia.

Our action makes a difference! In March Thao Tran, Ausgrid employee and Energy Executive Member, supported by Energy and Utilities Manager Narelle Rich, and Organiser Troy Dunne, along with ASU National Secretary Robert Potter travelled to Canberra advocating for workers to ensure their voice was heard in the discussion surrounding an Energy Transition Authority! Today the Government’s announcement showed our voice was heard.
ASU National Secretary Robert Potter said the Authority was critical to coordinate programs and policies across government to support regions and communities, ensuring workers are at the forefront of the transition.
“The union movement has pushed for this reform for a decade and our members should be proud that has delivered a significant investment by the Federal Government,” said Mr Potter.

Jobs for the future: USU Organiser Troy Dunne, Energy and Utilities Manager Narelle Rich, Member for Paterson Meryl Swanson, Member for Hunter Dan Repacholi, and ASU National Secretary Robert Potter with Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen following the policy announcement at at Liddell Power Station today.
“We do not have to choose between the environment and jobs – it is our responsibility to act on both to the benefit of all communities.
“For thousands of workers, the transition to clean energy affects their employment, the lives of their families and the viability of their communities.
“In regions like the Hunter, Collie, La Trobe, Central Queensland and even Torrens Island Power Station which is set to close in 2026 and many others, the impact of transition is real and immediate.
“There is a patchwork quilt of programs across the country to support workers and communities in the transition, and none are sufficient or well-coordinated to manage change.
“Federal leadership has been urgently needed to plan and manage the transition so workers, families and communities are not left behind and benefit with new jobs in growth industries.
“The new body will deliver federal funding and coordination under a structured plan, with workers voices at the heart of this effort.”
This is a great step forward for the industry, ensuring training for better jobs into the future. The union is proud of the work we did to lobby on behalf of our members and this industry. Share this with a workmate.
If you know of a colleague who is not a member of the USU, let them know they can join HERE today. United we are stronger!