Jetstar has written to the USU/ASU with detail about its bargaining claims. The Airline is claiming the following in your enterprise agreement:

1. Substantive rollover of the current Jetstar/ASU Agreement 2018

The Airline is proposing that most of your working conditions remain the same, except for items listed below and updates to matters such as Superannuation and assessment Fair Work Commission assessment of the Agreement.
Members have let the USU/ASU know that there are a variety of other issues we need to improve, such as rosters, parental leave, sick leave etc. We will continue to advocate our claims to improve your working conditions.

2. 2-year wage freeze and 2% increases per year thereafter

Jetstar has proposed a 2-year wage freeze and 2% increases per year thereafter. The cost of living is a significant issue, and we will continue to claim improved financial benefits for USU/ASU members. The Qantas Group pay policy is fundamentally unfair and pushes workers into financial stress. Jetstar must recognise the efforts of its workforce and come to the table with fair and proper financial gains.

3. Facilitation of shift swaps that involve going below the minimum hours currently listed in the Jetstar/ASU Agreement 2018 (so it is only at the employee’s request)

We are pleased that Jetstar is claiming a shift swap process that allows workers to go below minimum hours at the employee’s request. Our Log of Claims includes a similar issue. So, while the exact detail is yet to be negotiated, we believe there is scope for agreement on this matter.

4. A change to the existing excess baggage commission scheme

Jetstar is proposing to change the Overdrive Scheme to an incentive scheme whereby the one airport that exceeds its target by the greatest percentage for the month gets an additional $100 per month for each eligible employee. Should no airport exceed its target, then there will be no payment for that month. For example, if Melbourne and Sydney were to exceed their target in June, the one airport with the higher percentage above the target would get the payment. It would only apply when a Baggage Commission Scheme is in operation.
We look forward to negotiating this scheme with the Airline.

5. Facilitation of roster release for HSRs (resulting in paid attendance for HSR consultation)

Dependent on the cadence of the WHS meeting, the Airline is proposing to roster HSRs an 8-hour administrative day (9 am – 5 pm) to attend the WHS meeting and perform WHS duties. If the HSR is on a rostered day off, this will be retained so as not to introduce unintended consequences, such as split days off.

It is a welcome step that Jetstar is proposing to codify HSR rights. We have additional claims related to health and safety that we would like Jetstar to agree to, including safe rostering practices.

6. Ability to cross-utilise CSOs and CBOs

Jetstar’s proposal is to allow cross utilisation of CBOs to CSO functions and roster CSO static or part CBO shifts if CBO shifts are available and there is sufficient CSO availability to do so. CBOs would still predominantly be rostered CBO functions (unless they are transitioning to a CSO vacancy), and CSOs would predominantly be rostered CSO functions (unless there is an excess of CSOs due to a schedule reduction).
We want to hear from you! Contact your workplace delegate and let them know your views on Jetstar’s proposals.
Pass this bulletin to your colleagues who aren’t in the union. They can join at


If you have any questions about this or need any assistance at work, please contact your USU organiser Thomas Russell on 0419 761 320 or via email at