As USU members may be aware Mr Warren your People and Performance Executive Manager tendered his resignation on Wednesday 26 April 2017.

This is the sixth HR Manager to resign within ten months since amalgamations.

The Human Resources revolving door just keeps on turning.

You may ask yourself what is going on with the Human Resources Department?

This effectively means a new HR Manager every two months since the merger.

We all may know some of the common causes of high employee turnover in an Organisation may include:

Work Culture is toxic
Work culture is strongly correlated with employees’ happiness. When workers love their work’s culture, they are happier and more productive. When workers dislike their work’s culture, they are miserable and unmotivated.

Take a look around. Do employees seem happy? Or do they seem to be going through the motions?

Organisation instability
Council’s ongoing change management process, changing direction and shuffling people around disconnects employees from the organisation’s purpose. Employees don’t know what’s going on, what the priorities are or what they should be doing. This causes frustration leading to confusion and inefficiency.