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14 and 15 April Delegate Basics Sydney Office THIS TRAINING IS NOW CLOSED
21 and 22 April Delegate Basics Rutherford Office THIS TRAINING IS NOW CLOSED
28 and 29 April Delegate Basics Kiama Library THIS TRAINING IS NOW CLOSED
This meeting will be held via Zoom. An email with login details has been sent to all members of the Retired Members Club. If you have not received it or need assistance please contact Joel on jconomos@usu.org.au
March with us and get your free USU May Day 2021 T-shirt! We will be meeting at 10am for 10.20am on the Victoria Rd side of Alfred Park Square. Look for our flags! Find out more: https://actionnetwork.org/events/may-day-march-and-family-fun-day What's it about? MAY DAY – The day for working people, which really means everybody. If you have […]
12 and 13 May Delegate Basics Blacktown City Council (for any delegates) ENQUIRE HERE