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Location: Stephen Birney Auditorium USU Office, Level 7, 321 Pitt Street, Sydney. Time: 11.00am (lunch provided).
The International Day of Mourning is important to those who have lost loved ones to work-related incidents or illness. Together we remember and commemorate their lives and share their memories. This year’s global theme for International Workers’ Memorial Day is Stop the pandemic: Safety and health at work can save lives; during COVID-19 which also […]
May Day, or International Workers’ Day, is a time when people around the world come together to celebrate workers. A time to acknowledge the struggles and determination of workers striving for a better world. The theme of this year’s May Day is Value all Workers and Join Your Union. This May Day, we have an opportunity to […]
This meeting will be conducted via Zoom. BCOM members will be sent details.
This meeting will be held via Zoom. BCOM members will be sent details.
Join USU Educator Narelle Rich for "In the Chair", a series of upcoming interactive Zoom sessions. The first session Workers Compensation and the Effects of COVID-19 with Michael Barnes from Carroll & O'Dea will be held next Thursday, the 4th of June. Email nrich@usu.org.au to register.
This meeting will be conducted via Zoom. BCOM members will be sent details.