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USU Calendar

Training: Interview Skills

Zoom NSW, Australia

Thursday 16 December, 12 noon: Interview Skills REGISTER HERE

Training: Interview Skills

Zoom NSW, Australia

Thursday 23 December, 1.00 pm: Interview Skills REGISTER HERE

Training: The Award


This session will detail the process for making the Award and how members can get involved in it. Time:    12 noon Click Here to Register  1 pm  Click Here to Register 

Training: Recruitment


The session details how a Delegate or Member might have a conversation with a colleague about joining the Union, specifically around the Award or Enterprise Agreement at the workplace. With the LG (State) Award up for negotiation next year and the Award increase due the first full pay period after 1 July this year,  it […]

Training: Superannuation Contributions


Superannuation Contributions with Steve Sutton from Active Super – All the information you need to know about making contributions to your Super Time:    12 noon Click Here to Register 1 pm Click Here to Register