A week ago Jetstar agreed to start honouring the shift swap conditions in your EBA.

Many USU/ASU members reported that the ability to arrange like-for-like swaps in Webroster was no longer available. We believe that Work Force Planning directed ADM’s to communicate to staff that swaps were not going to be approved.

This was a clear breach of your EBA conditions. The USU/ASU put it to Jetstar who agreed to return the ability to arrange your own shift swaps as soon as possible.

The Webroster function will be re-instated from 2 August. In the meantime you can make a manual request by contacting your ADM who should not unreasonably refuse to approve the swap.

To avoid any doubt, we remind all our members that all the current terms and conditions contained in the Jetstar ASU EBA remain in place and are applicable when stood up. The current COVID-19 crisis does not give Jetstar the right to ignore or not apply the various provisions contained in the EBA.

Rostering is a mess and Jetstar needs to fix it!

The USU/ASU has commenced regular meetings with Jetstar to raise your concerns about the ever increasing number of inequitable and unfair rostering issues across the whole of Jetstar arising from processes implemented in April 2020.

The USU/ASU is seeking to continue to meet with management on a weekly basis while we work through the issues but enough is enough!

USU/ASU members have raised so many concerns about the time they have already spent out of the workplace and the confusing rostering guidelines in place since April 2020, that we can’t see how Jetstar can continue to argue that the system is fair.

We need members to start documenting the issues and email their Organiser directly. Include supporting evidence.

We want to hear from you!

We’ll be working to review all opportunities for staff training, maximise the number of staff engaged, and protect your terms and conditions of employment.

Your USU/ASU has a plan and we will communicate this to you in more detail very soon.

We will keep you updated as discussions continue.

JobKeeper 2.0

We will also ask Jetstar to work through the impact of changes to the JobKeeper wage subsidies that kick-in from the end of September 2020 – Follow our link to more detailed information about the changes.

In early April 2020 the Federal Government passed legislation and created the JobKeeper wage stimulus package which was scheduled to end in late September 2020.

This package has now been changed with the Australian Government extending JobKeeper payments by a further six months until 28 March 2021.

JobKeeper 2.0 is not perfect, there are still many workers who are not eligible to receive the payment and the Union will continue to campaign until all workers receive the financial assistance they require.

Time to join the union!

If you are not yet an USU/ASU member – it is not too late to join. Sign up now to make sure you are supported throughout this crisis: www.usu.org.au/join

 Branch organisers:





Victor Jose

0425 753 756


Thomas Russell

0419 761 320


Glenn Desmond

0427 975 806

QLD Together

Billy Colless

0419 736 886


Lesley Till

0497 555 875