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USU Calendar

Active Super Webinar – The over 60s session


The over 60s session Active Super invites you to the 60s session – your chance to learn more about how to make the most out of your pension. Lisa Judge, Manager, Member Advice and Education explores recent trends, and will help to make sense of the ins and outs of Centrelink. Register: Registration is free. […]

Training: Superannuation Contributions


Superannuation Contributions with Steve Sutton from Active Super – All the information you need to know about making contributions to your Super Time:    12 noon Click Here to Register 1 pm Click Here to Register 

IWD Event: Women and Super with Elaine Lawler


 Register to hear Active Super Client Relationship Manager Elaine Lawler look at Women, Superannuation and the different challenges women face in this area. Date:     Tuesday 8 March Time:    12 noon – Click Here to Register  Time:   1 pm  Click Here to Register