Since launching our survey last week, many USU/ASU members have told us about a countless numbers of serious pay issues that have occurred since the start of the JobKeeper scheme. We also wrote to Jetstar management telling them what you are experiencing. Many of you have raised questions and concerns and here is what we think you need to do.

I still have issues with my pay, what should I do?

Continue to raise ALL issues with a payroll inquiry through JEN, explaining your problem. Attach any supporting document or evidence. Then send a copy of your payroll complaint to as well as your local USU/ASU organiser.

It’s also not too late to complete our survey that will help the USU/ASU decide whether to take Jetstar to the Fair Work Commission. We need to hear from you urgently.

Complete this short survey here and all information will be treated confidentially.

Jetstar’s response—a disgrace

Jetstar responded to our letter and their response raises more questions than answers.

You have told us that Jetstar have repeatedly misrepresented the process and timelines the Company would follow to administer your JobKeeper entitlements. This has created countless problems for employees expecting long awaited funds only to experience further delay and non-payment.

It’s bad enough that Jetstar delayed processing JobKeeper until 17 April 2020 but then some employees didn’t receive any JobKeeper payments on this date! Instead of acknowledging their mistakes, Jetstar has chosen to ignore the impact of their broken promise to pay JobKeeper and now say that the JobKeeper payment rules allow them until 8 May 2020, to resolve any issues with processing payments for the 1st two JobKeeper fortnights.

Why make promises and then not keep them you may well ask!

Any employee who hasn’t received either of the 1st two JobKeeper payments by 8 May 2020 when they think they are entitled to them should urgently contact their USU/ASU Organiser.

The USU/ASU will request more information about the entitlement to the 1st pro-rated JobKeeper payment covering 30-Mar to 3-Apr in the first JobKeeper fortnight – the ongoing non-payment for these dates may form the basis of a dispute.

The USU/ASU encourages members to provide their Organisers with payslip examples of the 1st JobKeeper payment that was supposed to be processed by Jetstar on Friday, 17 April 2020, as well as evidence showing that this payment has been off-set by remuneration for work performed or leave taken in the Jetstar pay period ending Friday, 3 April 2020 but prior to 30 March 2020 when they became eligible for JobKeeper.

If you are not a member of the USU/ASU now is the time to join —

Contact your USU Organiser for more information.
NSW US Thomas Russell 0419 761 320