IN THE NEWS – Barrier Daily Truth: Union call for clarity
A mass meeting of United Services Union members employed at City Council yesterday called on General Manager James Roncon to clarify statements in council business papers, which subsequently appeared in the Barrier Daily Truth.

Broken Hill Council: GM MUST EXPLAIN
Council members demand answers following GM’s inflammatory comments.

USU will fight any attempt to fully privatise Ausgrid
An article in today’s Australian newspaper raises concerns about how the NSW Government plans on paying for planned infrastructure in the face of rising government debt. Former premier Mike Baird sold half of Ausgrid and the whole of TransGrid back in 2016. Privatisation of our monopoly assets is a con.

Gladys’ second wave sell off?
The AEC hasn’t even completed counting the NSW election results, yet the Government’s stakes in Ausgrid & Endeavour may already be up for sale.

Meeting the challenge on rural and regional roads
The USU applauds a recent announcement by NSW Labor Leader, Michael Daley, that if elected in March, his government will invest an additional $900 million to fund council administered roads in rural and regional communities.

Wollondilly Advertiser: Council staff lodge vote of no confidence in chief executive
USU members have lodged a vote of no confidence in Wollondilly Council’s chief executive officer Luke Johnson after reading a summary of a report which states that no culture of workplace bullying or harassment exists at the council.

Wollondilly Advertiser: Report finds ‘no culture of bullying’ at Wollondilly Council
Wollondilly Council Staff walked off the job at 9am today while a union representative examined a redacted copy of the findings and recommendations.

Wollondilly Advertiser: Wollondilly Council boss refuses to release findings of a report into alleged workplace bullying culture
By Roma Dickins and Jess Layt Wollondilly Advertiser The majority of staff at Wollondilly Council are set to take industrial action if the findings and recommendations of a report into an alleged culture of bullying and harassment at the council are not made public by...

Crookwell Gazette: United Services Union stop-work meeting with ULS council staff
The Crookwell Gazette reports on the action taken by members at Upper Lachlan Shire Council today.

Seven News: USU calls for safer conditions for parking rangers
This Seven News report shows the situation many parking rangers face while doing their job. USU General Secretary Graeme Kelly said a number of members have suffered “serious harm”. The USU is calling for Councils to implement double patrols similar to police and paramedics.